Launching New Clean Energy Community Campaign: Let's pump up the Heat Babylon!

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CCE NC awarded $4 million to lead Long Island Regional Clean Energy Hub

DATE: December 16, 2022 Contact: Gregory Sandor | mailto:[email protected] | (516) 832 - 2591

Hubs will foster community engagement and ensure disadvantaged communities benefit from New York’s clean energy transition

- EAST MEADOW, NY — Last week, Governor Kathy Hochul announced $4 million in funding for Cornell Cooperative Extension Nassau County (CCE) to establish a Regional Clean Energy Hub (Hub) in the Long Island region, as part of an initiative to connect local communities with clean energy resources. The Hub will unify the region’s clean energy programs and services, and build on the extensive relationships, expertise and experience of CCE associations and partnering agencies. Regional partners for the Long Island Hub Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County, United Way of Long Island, Renewable Energy Long Island, Hofstra University, Molloy University, and Farmingdale State College.

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Governor Hochul and Suffolk County Executive Bellone Announce Land Transfer to Bring National Offshore Wind Training Center to Suffolk County and Train New Yorkers for Green Jobs

$9 Million Competitive Opportunity Launched for Expanded Offshore Wind Workforce Development and Training Initiatives to Address Workforce Gaps and Prepare New Yorkers for High-Growth Jobs

October 20, 2022

Governor Kathy Hochul and Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone today announced the successful land transfer between New York State and Suffolk County to bring a National Offshore Wind Training Center to New York. The Governor also launched a $9 million competitive opportunity through the State's Offshore Wind Training Institute, led by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority in collaboration with the State University of New York Farmingdale State College and Stony Brook University, for expanded offshore wind workforce development and training initiatives to address workforce gaps and prepare New Yorkers for high-growth jobs in this growing industry. Today's announcements represent continued progress to establish New York State as the nation's primary hub for offshore wind and supports the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act goal to develop 9,000 megawatts of offshore wind by 2035.

Gov. Hochul announces National Offshore Wind Training Center in Bethpage

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State-Mandated Study Finds Retiring Portion of Northport Power Station in 2022 Will Save LIPA Customers $300 Million


UNIONDALE, NY - May 19, 2020 — The Long Island Power Authority today released a New York State mandated Repowering Feasibility Study of the Northport Power Station, alongside its annual Property Tax Report. The study shows that accelerating the retirement of 400 to 600 megawatts of vintage, fossil-fueled steam power plants in 2022 can save Long Island electric consumers over $300 million.

“These reports demonstrate that our efforts to reduce electric demand through one of the nation’s leading energy efficiency programs is both good for the environment and our customers’ electric bills,” LIPA Chief Executive Officer Tom Falcone said. “In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the stress it is placing on families throughout Long Island, it is more important than ever that we operate efficiently, reduce cost, and treat all our customers fairly.”

Gordian Raacke, Executive Director of Renewable Energy Long Island, said: “Retiring vintage fossil-fueled power plants makes sense as we remodel our energy infrastructure to a 21st-century system running on renewable energy with smarter, more energy-efficient technology. We commend LIPA for the vision to power Long Island 100 percent with clean and renewable power sources by 2040, which will dramatically reduce air and climate pollution while saving consumers money.”

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Offshore Wind Power Necessary for Reaching NY Climate Goals

Labor, Residents Voice Support for Strong Offshore Wind Projects
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Contact: Jessica Enzmann, [email protected], (631) 807-0428

Emily Pomilio, [email protected], (480) 286-0401

Gordian Raacke, [email protected] (516)313-6611

Long Island, NY — The New York State Energy Research and Development (NYSERDA) is hosting a series of informational open houses throughout the month to provide the latest updates on the state's plan for offshore wind development. Tuesday’s Brookhaven meeting included details on the two proposed projects from Empire Wind and Sunrise Wind.

These two large-scale offshore wind projects will generate enough power to supply 1 million homes with electricity. By 2035, NYSERDA hopes to generate enough clean energy from the turbines to power 6 million homes. The projects are necessary for the state to accomplish the goals set by it’s recent climate legislation, the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA), designed to mitigate the impacts of the climate crisis. 

By requiring developers to work with labor and community groups, NYSERDA can ensure local, good-paying, family wage jobs through manufacturing opportunities from offshore wind. Coupled with further investments in rooftop solar, energy efficiency, and grid upgrades like battery storage, New York can become a leader in addressing the climate crisis and help the state meet its legal requirement of reaching a 100 percent carbon free electricity by 2040. 

The Sierra Club, labor unions, allied groups, and local residents attended the open houses and voiced their support for strong environmental protections, community benefits, and labor standards in New York’s increasing investment in offshore wind. 

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NYS First Ever Offshore Wind Energy Awards

New York State Announces First Ever Offshore Wind Energy Awards

Nation-leading Program Sends Powerful Message To Launch Offshore Wind Industry


ALBANY, New York, July 18, 2019 — Governor Cuomo announced today that Equinor US Holdings and a joint venture between Orsted A/S and Eversource Energy are the successful bidders in the State’s first ever offshore wind solicitation conducted by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority. Following a competitive process, NYSERDA selected two projects that when constructed will provide 1700 megawatts-hours of clean, renewable electricity into New York’s grid, enough to power 1 million households. The 1700 MW award is the largest in the nation to-date and the first major installment toward the Governor’s nation-leading commitment to develop 9,000 MW of offshore wind energy by 2035. It is an important step towards the greenhouse gas reduction and renewable energy targets contained in the New York State Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act. 

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Coalition Applauds Gov. Cuomo's Bold Vision for NY Clean Energy

For Immediate Release

January 2, 2018

Coalition of Business, Labor, Environment & Community Leaders Applaud Governor Cuomo’s Bold Vision to Make NY National Offshore Wind Leader

New York State commits to enough offshore wind power for 400,000 homes over the next two years and invests $15 million in workforce development and infrastructure.

ALBANY, NY – A large, diverse coalition of business, labor, environmental, grassroots organizations, and elected officials committed to clean energy applauded Governor Andrew Cuomo’s bold and visionary commitments to make New York State the national leader in offshore wind power, announced today as part of New York’s 2018 Clean Energy Jobs and Climate Agenda.

The Governor called for an offshore wind power procurement of at least 800 megawatts by 2019 - enough clean energy from the wind off the coast of Long Island and New York City to power 400,000 homes.  This will be the first step in the process to meet New York’s goal set last year to develop 2,400 megawatts of offshore wind power by 2030.

A key element of the Governor’s proposal is a $15 million investment in workforce training and infrastructure planning to advance opportunities for New Yorkers to participate in this new industry. Today’s announcements will help New York position itself to meet the supply chain and construction needs for building and operating offshore wind turbines, creating a range of new economic development opportunities across the state.

These steps forward are critical for New York to remain at the forefront as offshore wind power finally takes off in the Northeast. With others in the region also moving state policy commitments forward – including Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, and Maryland – now is the time for New York to act to maximize the engagement of New York’s workforce and port facilities in the launch of the U.S. offshore wind industry.

Leaders from organized labor and environmental organizations, along with business groups and a bipartisan coalition of elected officials, have united to celebrate the Governor’s announcement today and support the State’s efforts to make offshore wind a key component of the “50 by 30” strategy to increase renewable energy, reduce reliance on fossil fuels, and spur economic development opportunities for New Yorkers.

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Groups Unite to Support New York Offshore Wind Energy

July 10, 2017 - For Immediate Release

Business, Labor, Environmental Groups Unite to Support New York Offshore Wind Energy
Clean, emission-free technology could power more than 1.25 million homes and create thousands of jobs

Melville, NY – Leaders from Long Island’s business, organized labor and environmental communities joined with elected officials today to support New York State’s efforts to make offshore wind a key component of Governor Cuomo’s strategy to increase renewable energy, reduce reliance on fossil fuels, and spur economic development for New Yorkers.

The broad, diverse coalition came together at a news conference at the Long Island Association offices in Melville in advance of a public meeting hosted by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA). 

NYSERDA’s public meetings are part of its process to create an Offshore Wind Master Plan to advance projects that could power more than 1.25 million homes on Long Island and New York City. NYSERDA's Offshore Wind Master Plan is part of Governor Cuomo’s goal to have 50% of New York’s power generated by renewable energy sources by 2030. Offshore wind power can help meet that goal with clean, local, emission-free and cost-effective energy.

NYSERDA’s Offshore Wind Master Plan should create a roadmap for how our state can take advantage of the strong winds far off the coast of Long Island and at the same time protect our coastal and marine wildlife and preserve existing offshore industries and activities.

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Environmental Organizations Applaud Transition from Fossil Fuels to Renewable Energy for our Island 

Farmingdale, NY – Today the Long Island Power Authority and PSEG-Long Island released a long awaited draft plan for current and future energy needs for Long Island.  New York has a target to source 50 percent of energy from renewables, including a target to add 2,400 megawatts of offshore wind power to New York’s grid, by 2030.  The cost effective investments in offshore wind, energy efficiency and new renewable energy under the draft plan positions the utility to comply with New York State’s targets and outlines a bold path forward for transformation to a 21st century utility. 

The three year study concluded that sinking more ratepayer funds in outdated fossil fuel power plants and building new gas plants is unnecessary given the high $5 billion cost, the reduced prices of natural gas and the fact that these outdated investments are not needed for grid reliability. Instead, the findings conclude that the most cost effective new investments will increase the growth of renewable energy from 2017 through 2030 in order to better balance and diversify Long Island’s energy needs and will stabilize and reduce costs for bill payers.  The utility plans on adding 800 megawatts of offshore wind and solar in addition to 950 megawatts of rooftop solar, other renewables and energy saving measures. 

Highlights of LIPA/PSEG 2017 LI Integrated Resource Plan findings

  • Flat Forecasts: LIPA revised its long-term load forecasts downward now predicting virtually no growth through 2035. 1,700 MW decline by 2030 compared to 2013 forecast (equal to 3 – 5 large power plants).
  • Historic Tipping Point: Instead of continued investments in outdated fossil fueled power plants, LIPA now plans to add build out renewable energy on Long Island.
  • Fossil Power Going Down: Power production at Long Island’s legacy power plants has declined since 1999 from about 50% runtime to as little as 11% and is projected decline even further by 2030.
  • Repowering Can’t Compete with Renewables: electricity from new or refurbished large power plants would cost as much or more than current renewable energy sources. Renewable energy is now cost competitive and future costs are expected to decline further.
  • Modern Grid Additions: Instead of investing in large fossil generators, renewable energy technologies will be augmented by more flexible peaking generators, battery storage, smart grid controls and energy demand management, and distributed energy sources.
  • 50% Renewables by 2030:  LIPA's new Energy Guide envisions dramatic growth of renewable energy from 2017 through 2030, in line with NY State mandate to meet half of state’s electricity consumption from renewable energy sources.
  • Clean Power for 350,000 Homes: 800 MW of solar & offshore wind power will provide enough power for 350,000 homes by 2030, in addition to 950 MW of energy efficiency savings, rooftop solar energy and other renewables.
  • More Offshore: Governor Cuomo’s 2,400 MW of offshore wind power will likely be off Long Island’s shores and interconnect to the electric grid on Long Island.
  • Aiming for 100% Renewable Energy: In his 2017 State of the State address, Governor Cuomo laid out New York’s long term objective to meet 100% of our energy needs from renewables by saying: “We want to get 2.4 gigawatts of offshore wind power by 2030 and we are not going to stop until we reach 100 percent renewable because that’s what a sustainable New York is really all about.”

 In response, environmentalists released the following statements:

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Groups Applaud LIPA, Governor Cuomo for Historic Action Advancing Nation's Largest Offshore Wind Project


Media Contact:

Emily Pomilio (480) 286-0401, [email protected]; Ryan Stanton, (631) 338-9219, [email protected]; Adrienne Esposito, (631)384-1378, [email protected]; Gordian Raacke, (516) 313-6611, [email protected]; Bronte Payne, (617) 747-4327, [email protected]

 Uniondale, N.Y.— The Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) voted today to formally approve the development of New York’s first ever, and the nation’s largest, offshore wind farm, located off the east end of Long Island. The approved 90-megawatt, 15-turbine offshore wind farm will produce enough energy to power over 50,000 homes. LIPA cited that offshore wind was the most cost effective proposal to meet Long Island’s South Fork energy needs.  

Last week, in his bold State of the State announcement, Governor Cuomo committed to building 2,400 megawatts (MW) of offshore wind power by 2030 – enough to power 1.25 million homes. The Administration will also release a master plan by the end of the year, mapping out the state’s intention to build offshore wind to scale, which is essential in ensuring the Governor meets his goal to power 50 percent of New York’s energy from renewables by 2030. The Governor also pledged his support for New York’s first, and the nation’s largest, offshore wind project off the east end of Long Island.

Local, state and national organizations hailed this project as an essential first step towards a bold, long-term, large scale offshore wind program for New York. Building off of LIPA’s historic vote today, groups also urged the LIPA Board of Directors to commit to an additional investment of at least 210 more megawatts of offshore wind in the upcoming Island Wide procurement. The decision, which is expected to happen in March of 2017, will help ensure Long Island becomes a regional hub for a new, clean energy industry, spurring thousands of jobs and economic development opportunities throughout the state....


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