Plaza Cinema Media and Arts Center Presents Love Thy Nature

The Plaza Cinema & Media Arts Center is proud to announce an exciting new series of documentary films covering a range of themes on our environment. The series will kick off with Love Thy Nature, an award-winning documentary that lays out the harmful effects humans are having on the environment. This is an great opportunity to honor Earth Day by reconnecting with nature through a visual narrative. Come be reminded of just how precious nature is and explore the harmful relationships we as humans have with nature, despite the need for nature in our own survival.

Immediately following the presentation of Love Thy Nature Citizens’ Climate Education will provide a guest speaker that will continue the discussion of the harmful effects that climate change is having on nature and how our local communities can respond to this crisis.

Description of Love Thy Nature:
Love Thy Nature (NR) Narrated by Liam Neeson, LOVE THY NATURE is a cinematic immersion into the beauty and intimacy of our relationship with the natural world. And while our environmental crisis threatens the very survival of our species, a renewed connection with nature holds the key to a highly advanced new era.

To learn more about Plaza Cinema and the Love Thy Nature visit this

April 30, 2016 at 11:30am - 1:30pm
Plaza Cinema & Media Arts Center
Citizen's Climate Lobby Long Island

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