Ksolar Webinar

The K-solar program is a joint project of the New York Power Authority (NYPA) and New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), in collaboration with the New York State Education Department to bring lower cost solar energy to schools. K-Solar can enable schools to save money, lower their carbon footprint and procure affordable solar energy. Through the K-Solar Program, the opportunity for energy savings for schools on Long Island can be great. Over 315 school districts in New York State are signed up for the K-Solar program. We’d like to make sure that all of your questions are answered about K-Solar, so we are hosting a webinar exclusively for your School and the other schools in your area.

Please join us for a webinar to learn about the program and how solar can help lower your operating costs.  See attached flyer and feel free to share.

K-Solar Program:The Opportunity for Schools on Long Island 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

12:30pm- 1:30pm

Click here to register!  https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2342535183634157058

During this hour-long session, you will hear from PSEG-LI, New York Power Authority, and SunEdison on how to power your school using solar while lowering your operating costs.

Evan Kolkos, K-Solar from the New York Power Authority, Robert Boerner, PSEG-LI, and Jeff Gorman from SunEdison will discuss important updates about the K-Solar program including:

     The opportunity on Long Island with K-Solar and SunEdison

     Overview of K-Solar educational materials, aggregated portfolio pricing, standardized contract and streamlined permitting process

     Solar development processes and financing options

This webinar is meant for all public and private K-12 school administrators, superintendents and business and facilities managers, so please feel free to forward this invitation to others to join you in hearing more about the program. You will have the opportunity to submit question throughout the entire webinar.

If you would like to learn more about the Program before the webinar please visit the K-Solar website http://www.nypa.gov/k-solar/

We look forward to the opportunity to bring solar power to your school.

February 10, 2016 at 12:30pm - 1:30pm
Long Island, NY
United States
Google map and directions
Beth Fiteni · · 631-471-1215

Will you come?

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