What You Need to Know About PSEG Long Island's EV Charger Rebate Program

Electric vehicles help you save money throughout their lifespan. Now it is more affordable than ever to install your own charger with PSEG Long Island's rebate program. PSEG Long Island also took careful consideration to ensure that this program made electric vehicles more accessible to people living in disadvantaged communities. 

PSEG Long Island has revamped their rebate program for 2024. The rebate only applies to Energy Star Level 2 chargers. Typically charges can cost around $600, but PSEG LI is offering a $200 rebate to help make these energy efficient chargers more affordable. If you live in a disadvantaged community (DAC), you can receive an additional $100 rebate. Check out this map to see if you qualify for the additional DAC rebate. 

Any Energy Star level 2 charger purchased after January 1st, 2024 is eligible for this rebate. Click here to see how you can apply for your $200 rebate. PSEG has stated that the rebate check may arrive around 8 weeks after your application. 

This rebate is a step in the right direction in promoting energy efficient appliances, electric vehicles, and a just transition to an electric fleet. Electric vehicles save users money throughout its lifespan, but the high upfront costs make them inaccessible to people with financial constraints.

These simple applications make electric vehicles more accessible, and will help the Unites States achieve the goal of 50% of vehicles sold in 2030, zero emission vehicles. Other utilities should replicate this program. Unfortunately, the additional $100 rebate does not extend to low-to-moderate income consumers at this time. Nevertheless, the rebate program will still cut costs for all PSEG LI customers. If you are interested in purchasing an Energy Star Level 2 charger at a discount, click here!



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  • Sarah Golden
    published this page in Media 2024-11-05 11:47:32 -0500